Thursday, May 15, 2008

Michael Bay Must Die!

Transformers: The Movie...enough said.

I was actually starting to get over my severe hatred for Michael Bay's salacious attempt at creating a live-action version of my beloved 80's cartoon. Then I stumbled upon an article in "The Onion" bashing his talent and mocking him creating a CGI Oscar for himself. Here is the link, it is hilarious:

But back to my main rant...I hate Michael bay. His career started innocently enough with cult blockbusters like "The Rock", "Bad Boys", and "Armageddon", but somewhere along the line of success Michael's insanity grew. He was granted bigger budgets. Michael pumped out "Pearl Harbor", "The Island", and "Bad Boys II". Somehow, explosions and bullets began to replace important aspects of the movie like "plot" and "character development".

The ultimate heinous act came when it was announced he was set to direct "Transformers". I knew my fate was sealed. I went, I saw, I vomited. Michael Bay systematically raped my childhood in a short 144 minutes. For those of you who took enjoyment in this tepid piece of cow shit, I pity you. I invite you over to my place where I will break out a couple seasons of the animated series and help rehabilitate you to the true mythos of the Transformers.

Then we can plot the assassination of Michael Bay over popcorn and sour patch kids.

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